A Masterclass in Clearing Ghosts, Demons, and other Negative Energies

Event Date & Time

November 11th, 2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Gift what you can!

Gift a Contribution that resonates with you between: $1 - 97

Event Date & Time

November 11th, 2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Gift what you can!

Gift a Contribution that resonates with you between: $1 - 97

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Tap into your innate healing abilities and empower yourself to clear negative entities safely, easily, and with grace.

No more fear. No more confusion or reliance on outside healers to regularly clear your home; the power is within you.

What you will receive

Gain insights into the world of negative entities and why there's no need to fear them

Be able to recognize the telltale signs and impact of entity interference

Understand how and why entities might influence your life

Understand the factors that can draw entities toward you

Learn a powerful practice that drastically reduces your susceptibility to entities

Bonus gift with registration: Clearing and Protection Spray Formula

Event Date & Time

November 11th, 2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) UTC-5: New York, Toronto, Havana

Pricing: $1 - 97

Gift a Contribution that resonates with you


Start Your Journey of Awareness and


Are you struggling with negative entities and energies interfering in your life? This can manifest as:

…And no matter how many times you sage the house, the darkness just won’t leave.

Entity interference can leave you feeling afraid, confused, and profoundly isolated because others might think you’re crazy.

What if you could be free and clear without the expense of hiring an energy healer every time you feel attacked or sabotaged? With the right tools and practices, you can be fully empowered to clear the entities that attach to you, your loved ones, or your home.

What participants are saying

I no longer feel sick and itchy all the time. I have the energy I had 20 years ago, and I tripled my income!

Dr. Karen’s ability to release negative entity attachments and implants is at 100% success rate - and at quantum speed! She’s just phenomenal!

Feeling deeply calm, centered, and peaceful! Wow! Beautiful, powerful, and transformational!

Tap into the Ascended Realms of Source

Light and Love

In this transformative 90-minute Masterclass, we will unlock the secrets of how negative energies and entities can impact our lives. More importantly, we’ll discover that we possess an incredible untapped potential to heal ourselves and these energies with unprecedented ease, swiftness, and grace.

Say goodbye to the challenging and potentially hazardous methods from ancient Shamanic lineages. Now, we can heal and dispel even the darkest energies in an instant by tapping into the Ascended Realms of Source Light and Love using TOLPAKAN™ Healing.

Join us as we embark on this profound journey of empowerment and healing.

A Masterclass in Clearing Ghosts, Demons,
and other Negative Energies

Event Date & Time

November 11th, 2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) UTC-5: New York, Toronto, Havana

Pricing: $1 - 97

Gift a Contribution that resonates with you


Masterclass Overview

In a nurturing and healing energetic environment, you will:

Gain insights into the world of negative entities and why there's no need to fear them

Learn to recognize the telltale signs and impact of entity interference

Explore how and why entities might influence your life

Understand the factors that can draw entities toward you

Assimilate a powerful practice that drastically reduces your susceptibility to entities

Observe a demonstration of the TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method Entity Assessment (some participants may even receive a personalized assessment)

Dr. Karen will blend educational content with engaging activities, and there will be a dedicated time for questions and answers.

Throughout the session, you will be fully supported by the Academy of Light Medicine™ Team who will answer any questions you may have.

For Beginners and Experienced Energy Healers

Much of what we’re going to explore in this session has never been shared by anyone else and is not available online. Whether you’re new to the field or have expertise in entity clearing, these 90 minutes could radically alter your energy and clear the way for greater health and happiness.


Hear from others who have worked with Dr. Karen Kan

About Dr. Karen Kan

Dr. Karen Kan is a Doctor of Light Medicine™, a #1 international bestselling author, visionary, and pioneer in the fields of healing, consciousness, and spirituality. Her mission is to empower spiritually conscious people to harness their intuitive, healing, and manifesting Superpowers so they can reach their highest vibration and help anchor in a brand-new reality of love, joy, peace, and harmony for all.

As the Founder of the Academy of Light Medicine™, Dr. Karen teaches students her 3-step TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method (TKH) which involves Aligning with the Source of Divine Wisdom, Asking quality questions through Divine Muscle Testing™, and Activating high-vibrational healing frequencies.

She is like Yoda® from Star Wars, training you to be a self-healing Jedi Master®.


Ask us

It is for Sensitive Souls and Light Workers who are interested in learning the foundational knowledge of how to become more proficient at clearing low-vibrational energies and attachments so they can feel greater ease, peace, and freedom in their lives.

This 90-minute Masterclass runs on Saturday, November 11th at 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). Use www.worldtimebuddy.com to convert this to your time zone.

The Masterclass is valued at around $97, but you have the beautiful opportunity to offer a gift ranging from $1 to $97. Your generosity supports the dedicated team and the noble mission of the Academy of Light Medicine™. ✨🙏

Once you’ve completed your registration, you’ll begin receiving a sequence of emails from Dr. Karen and the Academy of Light Medicine™. These emails will contain important information on how to access the Masterclass, details about claiming your bonus, and instructions on how to become part of the Light Medicine Community™.

Yes! Every registered student will enjoy a 40-day window to revisit the Masterclass.

You’ll receive an email with the replay page, so be sure to add Support@KarenKan.com to your email whitelist. For instructions, go here.

A Masterclass in Clearing Ghosts, Demons,
and other Negative Energies

Event Date & Time

November 11th, 2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) UTC-5: New York, Toronto, Havana

Pricing: $1 - 97

Gift a Contribution that resonates with you


All rights reserved


I Cleared a Ghost from My Home!

One day my daughter who was lying in bed next to me at night screamed loudly. I could feel the cold running up and down my spine. She saw a male ghost looking friendly and angry at the same time. I used Ascension 1 and 2 and the Clearing and Protection spray formula and soon afterwards the house was cleared and all felt fine! YAY!

Repels Toxic People!

The biggest difference for me after playing this audio is the immense calming effect. I found myself in situations where I was surrounded by toxic people. I was able to create a "bubble" of incredible calm and relaxation. Interestingly enough, the toxic people stopped coming around.

My Toxic Liver Healed!*

My liver enzymes were through the roof. There was no way I could get off those medications quickly without a slow taper, so to say I was worried was an understatement! Dr. Karen calmly told me that we could focus healing on my liver and within a couple of weeks, my repeat liver function tests were dramatically better. After three healing sessions, they were back to normal and I had a "happy" liver. My primary care physician was baffled about the improvement because I hadn't decreased my medication yet and I just told him that Dr. Karen and I "healed my liver" using energy healing! If he ever needed proof that this healing stuff works, this was it! I put my trust in Dr. Karen and she never fails to give me hope! I tell people all the time that they need to read her book and to work with her. She is an amazing healer!

Pervasive Feelings of Persecution Lifted Immediately!

Before my first session with Dr. Karen I felt heavy, persecuted, with a nagging feeling that something or someone was sabotaging me wherever I turn. It felt centuries old. My sleep was terrible as I would wake up over and over again. But after the very first session with Dr. Karen (and even during) I could feel the heaviness lift. I became brighter and happier and I don't wake up all the time anymore! Working with Dr. Karen has made a tremendous positive difference in my life. She uses a laser-focused approach to get right to the heart of the problem, in a gentle down-to-earth way. The unique set of skills that combine being a medical doctor with being an energy healer makes for a very sound and broad basis from which she works — addressing one issue from many different angles that leads to deep, fast and lasting results. I highly recommend her!

I've Never Felt More Calm, Centered and at Peace…

Just wow. This is beautiful, powerful, and totally transformational. My intention was to enhance and open up my intuitive abilities in the highest good. I experience tingles and multiple whole-body chills. I even felt relief in my neck. When I started, I was a bit tense and stressed. By the end I felt deeply calm, centered and peaceful. I love the unique fusion of such deeply evocative images and artwork that go with the frequency music. I feel a deep shift at a cellular level.

Is there anything I need to prepare for the Masterclass?

Much of what we’re going to explore in this session has never been shared by anyone else and is not available online. Whether you’re new to the field or have expertise in entity clearing, these 90 minutes could radically alter your energy and clear the way for greater health and happiness.

Will I learn how to clear entities during this Masterclass?

Dr. Karen is bringing her wealth of wisdom to empower you with the fundamental understanding needed to safely, effortlessly, and swiftly heal entities in this invaluable Masterclass. You will be learning how to produce and maintain a Light Radius that can help clear entities nearby as well as experiencing a mini-clearing right on the call and two other ways you can safely heal entities on your own. You will also get an overview of her TOLPAKAN Healing Formula on how to do a thorough entity and ET cleansing. 🌟🌠

How much does the Masterclass cost?

The Masterclass is valued at around $97, but you have the beautiful opportunity to offer a gift ranging from $1 to $97. Your generosity supports the dedicated staff and the noble mission of the Academy of Light Medicine™. ✨🙏

Will I notice a shift in how I feel during or after the Masterclass?

Most individuals do experience this! When you’re equipped with essential knowledge, you may start to sense a deepening calm and newfound confidence. Amid assessments and mini-healings, you might observe yourself yawning (a sign of energy shifting swiftly) or feeling a bit sleepy (indicating a relaxation and healing response). While not everyone is equally body-aware, many can tune in and truly feel the positive changes taking place!

Will there be a handout or written “notes”?

You will be provided with a PDF Resource Guide during the Masterclass. We highly recommend having a journal handy to take notes.

Is this similar to Reiki or other forms of hands-on healing?

Many traditional energy healing methods, like Reiki, aren’t typically designed for effectively clearing entities or addressing off-world interferences. This is precisely why Dr. Karen believes it’s vital to share this valuable knowledge with the world.

How is this different from me hiring an energy healer to clear me and my home?

In the Masterclass, you’ll discover that not all energy healers possess an awareness of the nuanced impacts of entities and entity-related energies across various timelines, within your living space, on electronics, and in the realm of sleep. While hiring a healer can be beneficial, Dr. Karen firmly believes in empowering you to take matters into your own hands. This Masterclass serves as the gateway to self-empowerment on this journey. Knowledge is power.

Can I share this registration page with friends?

Yes, absolutely. When you share this Masterclass with your friends and loved ones, you’re empowering them to lead happier, more liberated lives, and they’ll likely feel profound gratitude for it. We sincerely appreciate your inquiry and your assistance in advancing our mission to bring more Light into the world. Thank you!

I’m registered but I’m not getting any emails from you.

Please email Support@KarenKan.com so we can make sure you are properly registered. In the meantime, please whitelist our email using the instructions here. support@karenkan.com

Will there be an offer made during this Masterclass?

For those who resonate with this work on a deep level and aspire to attain a high level of proficiency in healing entities and negative energy, as well as having easy-to-use tools for ongoing clearing with minimal effort, Dr. Karen will provide a concise overview of the Light Warrior Bootcamp 3.0™ Self-Healing Program near the end of the Masterclass, right before the Q & A.

How can I start clearing entities and negative energies right away (safely)?

Upon registration, Dr. Karen graciously provides the Clearing & Protection Spray Formula for free. This will allow you to start the process of clearing yourself and your surroundings from any unwanted negative energies. She suggests that you spray your home once a week, your bedroom once a night, and consider internal cleansing by drinking up to 64oz of charged fluid/water per day for 10 days in a row.

Does Dr. Karen do 1:1 healing and clearing work with clients?

Yes, Dr. Karen does comprehensive Light Medicine work with the most committed clients in her VIP Program. VIP spots are limited to 12 new clients per year. To learn about all the options for working with a Practitioner 1:1, we recommend reaching out via email to our support desk: Support@KarenKan.com.

How do I contact Dr. Karen if I have questions or need additional support?

To receive the best support, we recommend reaching out via email to Support@KarenKan.com.